Gary Downing is a candidate for the Washington State Legislature, 16th
District (House Seat # 2) |
My name is Gary Downing and I have formally announced my candidacy for the 16th Legislative District, Position 2.
I’ve been involved in politics for over 40 years and have always spoken out on issues to support the working class, better education, jobs, and benefits.
I believe in human rights, be it women, people who come to our Nation for a better life or those in love with the same sex. Everyone is a human being and needs to be respected equally. When it comes to race, let it be known there is only one — IT’S CALLED THE HUMAN RACE.
As a father of twin daughters who have been the best part of my life, I understand what it's like to raise children and pay that mortgage, the bills and make sure enough money is left over to put food on the table. We need people in office who understand issues that face the average person.
There are a number of things that need to be addressed in our State Legislature. These are only a few.
Education: I do not believe that the public should be funding charter schools with profits from the lotto, no matter what they are called, they are still corporations for profit. They take care of stock holders and the CEO before the children unlike Public Education in our state that has and always will place our children FIRST.
Today we have two sources to create a base for our public education. One source was the profits from the Lotto which always should have been placed in a fund called Public Education not in the general fund. Now add a second tax revenue to that to create a solid base. That other tax revenue source is a marijuana sales tax. Some have told me we don't mix pot and education. I say placing that tax revenue into a pot that all people grab. Why not make use of it in a proper manner.
Tax Reform: We need to close the tax loopholes that have been given to the corporations in this state. There should be no tax relief for those corporations who lay off their workforce and send jobs out of state.
Jobs and the Economy: The funds from closing tax loopholes would be directed towards rebuilding our state infrastructure, new highways, bridges and overpasses. We need to make sure small businesses grow and can produce the products they invest in. The bullet train that has been discussed for years between eastern Washington and the west side needs to be built. All of these things will create hundreds of thousands of new jobs in this state. I also understand, if it were not for Unions our Nation today would be in slave labor. Skilled workers will always be the backbone of progress.
Homeless and Veterans: We need funding for families in need and our veterans. There are homeless veterans, disabled people, and families with children. However in our state is not just adults alone who are homeless. Today in our state we have over 32,000 single children who are sleeping under bridges, in allies, in cars and at friends. As a state and people we can do better than this.
Religion: Every person has their own beliefs, and I don't care what your personal religious belief is as it's not mine. Understand always if any wall is to be built it will be between religion and our government.
Minimum Wage: I support a living wage statewide, not a starving wage. Families cannot live on $800 - $1000 a month.
Campaign Finance Reform: Getting money out of politics. I support Initiative 735. Constitutional rights belong only to individuals, not corporations. Corporations are not people.