Friday, August 12, 2016


8th LD PCOs, Precinct Leaders, and volunteers please join us Saturday morning at the Laborers’ Hall for a precinct organizing workshop.  (9th and 16th LD precinct activists are also welcome.)

     When:  9:00 AM-Noon, Saturday, August 13
     Where:  Laborers’ Local 348 Hall, 2505 Duportail St, Richland.
As a PCO or Precinct Leader, your most important duties this summer and fall are to canvass your precinct and make a list of all current residents who appear likely to vote Democratic.  In a little over two months, on October 19, the Election Dept. will mail out the ballots for the November 8 General Election.  

The goal of our Saturday morning workshop is to provide you with everything you need – tools such as a VoteBuilder account, training, and materials like voter lists and campaign literature – to be ready to Get Out The Vote (GOTV) in your precinct.  Even if you are an experienced PCO who is already canvassing your precinct very efficiently, you are invited to attend the workshop.  You can meet some of our new 8th LD precinct leaders and give them the benefit of your knowledge and skills. 

Four new PCOs -- Yyvonne Aguilar (Precinct W3-P555), Matthew Bonomo (Precinct 180), Xander Lih (Precinct 145), and Kate Moran (Precinct WR 13) -- were appointed and affirmed at the July 20 BCDCC meeting.
Tony Ramirez <>, the WA Democrats’ Coordinated Campaign field organizer for our area, is coming to the workshop on Saturday.  He worked closely with the 8th LDDO to help us get out the vote for August 2 Primary Election. Some of you met Mr. Ramirez at U.S. Senator Patty Murray’s Coordinated Campaign GOTV event, held at the Plumbers and Steamfitters Hall in Pasco on July 31.

By the way, Patty has received nearly 54% of the votes counted so far, nearly double the number of her chief opponent, Republican Chris Vance. Tony will talk about what’s at stake, locally and statewide, in the November election, and how the Coordinated Campaign can help us win big in 2016!
John Christenson, Chair
8th Legislative District Democratic Organization
(509) 783-0282  home

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