David Cobb an Outreach Director of Move to Amend, and one of the founding members of the Board of Directors and authors of the We the People Amendment will be speaking about the movement to get big money out of politics on Monday, August 29th, at the Richland Labor Hall, 2505 Duportail
St., Richland, WA.
Are you passionate about protecting, repealing, reforming X, Y, Z? Good for you. Congress doesn’t care.
recent study found that little of what's done by the U.S. congress has
any correlation whatsoever to the issues and outcomes about which
American voters care. What matters to congress is not the opinion of
Republicans, or Democrats, or the Tea Party, or the Occupy Movement, or
any other average citizen or interest group, but rather the opinion of
people and groups with big money.
David Cobb |
An organization here in our state has been working to change that.
WAmend collected over 333,000 signatures and suceeded in getting Initiative 735 on the ballot in November. I-735 is a proposed amendment to the federal constitution that would urge the Washington state congressional delegation to propose a federal constitutional amendment affirming that constitutional rights belong only to individuals, not corporations, and constitutionally-protected free speech excludes the spending of money. In other words,
corporations aren't people and money isn't speech.