Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Dan Newhouse (L) versus Jerrold Sessler (R)


The Washington State Republican Party (WAGOP) like the Benton County Republican Party and party faithful up and down the 4th Congressional District are out to get Dan Newhouse, ever since he had an attack of conscience and voted to impeach Donald Trump for Trump leading the seditious attack on the Capital, and American democracy. WAGOP and our Benton County Republicans have endorsed his opponent, Jerrod Sessler, a carpetbagger from Burien Washington, and a MAGA extremist, who ran unsuccessfully in 2021.

Sessler was the top vote-getter in the 2024 CD-4 Primary, and he and Newhouse, who came in second, will meet in the General Election in November. A lot of people are predicting that Newhouse will lose his seat to Sessler. Moderate Republicans and Democrats both, will be more than sorry to see this happen. Let's see how it can be prevented.


Going into the 2024 General Election, Washington's Fourth Congressional District (CD-4) has 421,357 registered voters. Voters consistently vote for Republican candidates 65% of the time. Washington has a "top two" primary.

No democratic candidate made it through the primary, so two Republican Party candidates are running for the same office. One candidate, Jerrod Sessler, polled ~33% of the votes cast in the Primary, and the other, incumbent Dan Newhouse, polled ~23% of the votes cast in the Primary. A third Republican candidate, Tiffany Smiley, polled ~19% of the votes cast and thus didn't make it through the "top two" Primary.

Who is Smiley?

Smiley is an advocate for veterans, and a former triage nurse. In a previous campaign for Senate, Smiley said that she supports a law in her state guaranteeing the right to an abortion up to fetal viability. Smiley has said, “I’m pro-life, but I oppose a federal abortion ban.”

Smiley has not endorsed either candidate, Sessler, or Newhouse, in the race. Thus, there's a question about how votes for Smiley will be split in the General Election.


A starting point for redistributing Smiley's votes is to assume that none of her votes go to Newhouse. Another possibility is that women who voted for Smiley because of her more moderate views on abortion, and because Sessler is "fiercely" anti-abortion, will switch their vote to Newhouse. Let's call that 20% of the Smiley vote. Finally, we can take an optimistic view and assume that together with women and more moderate Republicans, 35% of Smiley's votes go to Newhouse, leaving 65% to Sessler.

We have to account for the fact that there's a write-in candidate in the running. She's filed as preferring the Democratic Party. Her name won't appear on the ballot. But whatever write-in votes go to her will favor Sessler, since that'd otherwise go for the least onerous candidate, as they have in previous all-Republican elections, for example, 2014 and 2016 when Newhouse faced Clint Didier. 

 Let's start by assuming the turnout for the General election in this Presidential election year is typical, at ~80%. Then calculate the number of democratic voters that would have to vote for Newhouse to ensure his victory (data is drawn from the Washington State Secretary of State website).

1. Determine Total Voter Turnout:

There are ~422,000 registered voters, and 80% turnout is expected for the Presidential election year.

The total number of voters expected to participate in the General Election is:

Total voters = 0.8 × 422,000 = 337,600

2. Republican Voter Distribution:

The district consistently votes Republican 65% of the time, so 65% of the total expected voters will likely vote for one of the Republican candidates, Sessler or Newhouse, so:

  • Republican votes = 0.65 × 337,600 = 219,440
  • The remaining voters are typically Democratic
  • Democratic voters = 337,600 − 219,440 = 118,160 

3. Primary Results and Vote Redistribution:

Newhouse received ~23% of the Primary votes, and Sessler received ~33%, and Smiley received ~19%.

In the General Election, the votes from Smiley will be redistributed in one of three ways:

  1. 0% of Smiley's votes will go to Newhouse
  2. 20% of Smiley votes will go to Newhouse
  3. 35% of Smiley's votes will go to Newhouse

From Primary results, Smiley would receive ~19% of the votes, or  0.19 × 337,600 = 64,144

Then based on the above assumptions regarding vote redistribution:

  1. Newhouse receives 0.00 x 64,144 = 00,000 [Sessler receives all 64,144 - 0 = 64,144]
  2. Newhouse receives 0.20 x 64,144 = 12,829 [Sessler receives 64,144 - 12,829 = 51,315]
  3. Newhouse receives 0.35 × 64,144 = 22,450 [Sessler receives 64,144 - 22,450 = 41,694]

4. General Election Vote Estimates:

Newhouse alone received ~23% of the votes in the Primary, which translates to the following General Election votes: 0.23 × 337,600 = 77,648

Adding the redistributed votes from Smiley for the three cases: Total votes for Newhouse, would be:

  1. 77,648 + 00,000 = 77,648
  2. 77,648 + 12,829 = 90,477
  3. 77,648 + 22,450 = 100,098

Sessler received ~33% in the Primary, thus in the General = 0.33 × 337,600 = 111,408

Adding the redistributed votes from Smiley, Sessler's vote total would be:

  1. 111,408 + 64,144 =175,552
  2. 111,408 + 51,315 = 162,723
  3. 111,408 + 41,694 = 153,102

5. How Many Democratic Voters Are Needed for Newhouse to win?

The vote gap between Newhouse and Sessler for each of the three scenarios is shown in the table below.




Vote Gap













Since there are 118,160 Democratic voters in CD-4, the percentage of Democratic voters who need to vote for Newhouse to ensure victory ranges from:

  1. 97,904 / 118,160 = .82 or 82%
  2. 72,246 / 118,160 = .61 or 61%
  3. 53,004 / 118,160 = .45 or 45%

In the last three CD-4 elections in which Democratic candidates ran, they received from 70,710 to 102,667 votes. That translates to 60% to 87% of the computed democratic voter population.


It is possible for Newhouse to win reelection, but only with strong democratic support and some redistributed votes from Smiley Primary voters.

A large vote for the write-in candidate will boost Jerrod Sessler's odds of unseating Dan Newhouse, thus aligning our district with the most extreme members of the House Freedom Caucus, that includes members like Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, Paul Gosar, and Andy Biggs, and before she got tossed for an expletive-laced tirade against Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Green. Sessler would fit right in.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Suspension of Reality: A post from the blog, Certain Information

 The following take down of Jerrod Sessler, a Congressional candidate for Washington's 4th Congressional District, is taken from the blog, Certain Information. Photos were added.


Suspension of Reality

Sit back and enjoy the ride on the crazy train because this is going to be a doozy.

How does one approach the topic of Jerrod Sessler? Who is he? In short, he's a failed congressional candidate in the crowded 2022 primary. He could have faded into obscurity after being trounced and having spent a small fortune of his own money on the election to finish in 4th place. However, Jerrod is keeping himself busy. He's decided to run again for Congress in 2024. He has maintained an active social media presence. He's started a charity. He's involved himself with the Benton County Republican Party. 

Good stuff!

But let's look a little closer, shall we?

Jerrod's bio includes strong reliance on his "former-NASCAR driver" status and his "engineering degree." Both of those claims may be objectively true, but when I hear NASCAR I think of Jeff Gordon and Dale Earnhardt, not a defunct regional series. Hey, he's trying to appeal to the red-blooded Americans. Creating his own campaign-branded fire suit seems over the top, but hey, it's campaigning.

The engineering degree is quite simple. Jerrod claims to have "Manufacturing & Mechanical Engineering Degrees." Per Ballotpedia, his BA is from Kennedy Western University (Go Mighty Whatevers!). KWU is a defunct, non-accredited distance learning "university" that faced allegations of being a diploma mill and government scrutiny. It no longer exists. Does this mean Jerrod doesn't know the difference between hydraulics and pneumatics? I don't know. Would an engineering firm hire someone with a degree from a defunct, non-accredited, distance learning diploma mill? I don't know. We report. You decide.

As mentioned above, Jerrod launched his fledgling campaign with major cash infusions from his own coffers. He used those personal funds to send out misleading press releases claiming a lead in fundraising as a proxy for broad support from actual voters and donors. The same press release notes that his laughable campaign commercial has "garnered millions of views across platforms already." I find that unlikely, given that here we are nearly two years later and what would seem to be the main video content platform, YouTube, shows 16 thousand views on that particular video: If there are at least 1,984,000 views on another platform I will retract and apologize profusely.

Another early blunder was his search for campaign staff on Craigslist: The highlight here is this line:

"Sadly, due to our current woke-sheep culture, female candidates, although welcome, will need to demonstrate their commitment to the mission in writing and with references to protect the candidate from future false claims that could damage his reputation."
Oh, man. This prompted articles in the TCH and Yakima paper behind paywalls, but you can enjoy this write-up.

Of note, this incident could have been a violation of RCW 49.60.180 (Unfair Practices of Employers) which states it is an unfair business practice to “print, or circulate, or cause to be printed or circulated any statement, advertisement, or publication, or to use any form of application for employment, or to make any inquiry in connection with prospective employment, which expresses any limitation, specification, or discrimination as to age, sex…”. Mr. Sessler’s campaign subsequently deleted the ad and apologized.

Two years later and Sessler is back at it. I hope his bank account can take another hit because despite setting a goal of "breaking the all-time record of monthly recurring donations for a congressional candidate," Jerrod has raised a whopping $1,800 as of the March 31 filing. All this, while still reporting his own donations as campaign debt presumably to be repaid if he hits the fundraising lottery: Not sure this is the guy we want reigning in our national debt if his own campaign is out $500k.

Then, just last week, Jerrod Sessler was suspended from Twitter: Why might that have happened to such an upstanding citizen? Certainly, the vast-left wing staffers at Twitter must be responsible! Oh wait, this is Elon Musk's Twitter and even Jerrod has routinely praised Elon on Twitter. Yet, despite being a Christian and a family man, Jerrod seems to have broken an "abusive behavior" rule: Pity. I'm sure the world is missing out on top-notch political commentary from him: It's like Shakespeare losing his quill. Well, yet he who is without sin cast the first stone. It's not as if Sessler has any history of shenanigans...

Oh, except for when he allegedly made a threat to a county employee that he would get his gun and "deal with" him resulting in a stern rebuke from the three Republican county commissioners. He also got into a verbal altercation with Christopher Gergen, Loren Culp's campaign manager after a debate in Yakima that resulted in court proceedings. Can't say I fault Jerrod for that one though. The dude is suspect.

Everyone has bad days. What can we deduce from Sessler's other activities?

First, there is the confusing tale of where exactly is Jerrod from. (Note: all of the following information is public record, but some names and addresses are removed just to avoid accusations of doxing.) Jerrod claims to be a proud Prosserian. He built and moved into his Prosser home sometime around the 2018 purchase of the land and the 2022 construction [To date, no permanent building has been constructed; see photo below]. The timing is interesting as Sessler registered to vote at his future home even before he actually lived there all of which caused Kennewick City Councilman John Trumbo to challenge Sessler's voter status. While it was dismissed, Sessler ironically claims "election integrity" is one of his key issues. The property in question was purchased by RQ Bradley LLC in 2018 [Jerrod Sessler is the Governing Agent for RQ Bradley]. Approved building on the property occurred in 2022.

84009 West Old Inland Empire Highway, RQ Bradley LLC

So is Jerrod from Prosser or a carpet bagger from the westside who saw an opportunity to run for Congress? [Sessler was born in California in 1969 and move to Seattle in 1974] Records show he sold his Burien home in November of 2021: Quite the entrepreneur, Sessler has had nine different registered businesses where he is/was the governor including his congressional campaign LLC. Most were most recently registered to a Seattle or Burien address. Yet, even Hometask, his enduring Prosser business was registered at a Burien address as recently as 2021.

Lawsuits can be a part of life, especially in the business world. The courts are there to settle disagreements, so being sued is not in and of itself a sign of wrongdoing. Having said that, let's look at some cases.

In 2009, Jerrod was sued as part of his HomeTask business:

He had received a loan of up to $1.8 million of which $450,000 was actually dispersed:

No payments were received thus prompting the lawsuit:

Ultimately, the court ruled in favor of the Plaintiff and Sessler was on the hook for over $500,000 on the judgment:

In 2010, Sessler was also sued by Wells Fargo Bank:

This lawsuit was due to non-payment on a line of credit:

This matter was settled out of court and dismissed in August 2010.

Also in 2010, Sessler was sued by FIA Card Services, a credit card company, for approximately $40,000.  The case was closed and dismissed in October 2012.

Further, Jerrod has some deep thoughts on property taxes and the various regulations that drive them up. He sympathizes with "the turtles and the owls," but wants to "radically reduce property taxes." How radical of a reduction? Well, maybe all the way to zero given that he failed/declined to pay his own property taxes on the above mentioned property.

Meanwhile, back on the campaign trail...

As of the most recent reporting, Sessler appears to have trimmed back his massive spending spree that racked up his half-million-dollar campaign debt and only has one employee on the books thus far for the 2024 cycle. That individual is Illinois-based Christina Gerding:

All told, the Sessler campaign has paid Gerding $23,900 from November 2021 through March 2023. Who exactly is Christina Gerding?

Well, in 2021 she was charged with three counts pertaining to the January 6th debacle when she and her husband illegally entered the Capitol. (Unsure if, being a female, she provided a written commitment or references to protect the candidate from false allegations). This past January, both pled guilty and they await sentencing on May 16 (facing up to six months in prison and up to a $5,000 fine). We shall see if she maintains her volunteer coordinator duties for the Sessler campaign from the pokey.

Would any of this surprise or turn off Mr. Sessler? Unlikely. Famously, Jerrod was there in D.C. during the January 6th storming of the Capitol calling it just a "rally" and they were "set up." Sessler frequently blames the Capitol police and the FBI. Not, you know, the Proud Boys.

Jerrod Sessler, US Capital, January 6, 2021

This is an issue near and dear to Sessler's heart. In August of 2021 (months before Gerding was first paid by his campaign), he released a video from D.C. where he interviews a recently released detainee and exploits an interaction with the Capitol police for attention. Apparently, Sessler believes Gerding to be innocent and a victim of an Antifa/Deep State/Capitol police conspiracy and worthy of sympathy. Providing a remote job for an eastern Washington congressional campaign to an Illinois-based person charged with multiple federal crimes was the least he could do.

Whew. What else?

Well, there is that charity that Jerrod started, the Eastern Washington Help Line. The mission is to create a "community of freedom loving [sic] patriots who reach out to help each other rather than looking to big government for a handout with strings attached." A bit obscure of a mission but can't fault anyone for looking to strengthen community bonds and assist people without the use of the state. Nothing wrong with a new, fresh 501(c)4 out there. Nope, nothing wrong with that. Oh, but there is the minor issue that neither the Internal Revenue Service nor the Washington Secretary of State appears to have any record of an Eastern Washington Help Line.

Finally, Jerrod has apparently assumed a leadership role within the Benton County Republican Party as the chair of the PCO Training and Candidate Support Committee. I can't think of anyone else more qualified.

Indeed we do, Jerrod. Indeed we do.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Oregon Republicans Off the Ballot in 2024

The state senate convenes at the Oregon State Capitol in Salem, Oregon.

The Oregon Supreme Court said Thursday that 10 Republican state senators who staged a record-long walkout last year to stall bills on abortion, transgender health care and gun rights cannot run for reelection.

The decision upholds the secretary of state’s decision to disqualify the senators from the ballot under a voter-approved measure aimed at stopping such boycotts. Measure 113, passed by voters in 2022, amended the state constitution to bar lawmakers from reelection if they have more than 10 unexcused absences.

Last year’s boycott lasted six weeks — the longest in state history — and paralyzed the legislative session, stalling hundreds of bills.

We call it the Constitution

I recently re-watched portions of the 2015 film, “Bridge of Spies,” starring Tom Hanks and Mark Rylance. In the film, Tom Hanks' character attorney, James Donovan, lectures an FBI agent, who claims that when it comes to the Soviet Spy, Rudolf Abel, portrayed by Rylance, “There’s no rule book.”

Donovan responds, 

“I'm Irish, you're German. But what makes us both Americans? Just one thing…: the rule book. We call it the Constitution, and we agree to the rules, and that's what makes us Americans. It's all that makes us Americans, so don't tell me there's no rule book — and don't nod at me like that, you son of a bitch.”

I wish Donovan were around to lecture Donald Trump and his cronies, and Republican congressional members, who continue to dismiss January 6 as a simple protest — expletive  included.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Who is Austin Scott?

Austin Scott (R-GA 8th) may run again for Speaker of the House. Scott is a kind of Dan Newhouse with personality. He would favor a federal ban on abortion and same-sex marriage. Unlike Newhouse, he voted against impeaching Trump, and also challenged the 2020 election of Biden over Trump. Like Newhouse, he's pro gun on the gun rights vs gun control spectrum. Like Newhouse, he gets lots of money from Ag interests, but unlike Newhouse, he's not a "Gentleman Farmer." His background is in Insurance. He's not a fan of the CFPB. His voting record shows a lot of "Did Note Vote" entries, and all "Nays" on judgeship and Gov agency leadership confirmation votes. He'd be an improvement over Jordan. If that's any consolation.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Considering Republican Objections to House Bill 1240 Banning Selected Assault-Style Firearms

 I was attending a function in Vienna, Austria, in the early 1990s and during a casual conversation with some functionary or other, the gentleman asked if I was from America. I said yes. He paused, then said he had considered visiting America with his family, but decided against it, because America was “so violent.” At the time, I thought his perception of my country was an overreaction. Not anymore.

It seems that every morning I am assailed by the news of yet another shooting; a mass shooting at a parade or school, or hospital, or a person shooting someone who came to the wrong door, or drove into the wrong drive, or whose basketball rolled into a neighbor’s yard, or someone angered by the noise of a neighbor’s leaf blower, shooting  him — a danger not included on the leaf blower’s warning label.

The gun death rate in the U.S. is much higher than in most other nations, particularly developed nations. Tragically, the rate of children killed in gun violence in America far exceeds that of peer countries. No wonder people decide to spend their vacations elsewhere. Governments of other countries have taken to warning their citizens about travel to the U.S., “There’s a risk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time.” No kidding!

There are more guns in America (~400m) than there are people, and too many people with guns who shouldn’t have them. There are a lot of reasons given by those opposing restrictions on the ownership of firearms. In my opinion, none of them warrant risking our children being eviscerated by a .223 cartridge traveling at 3000 ft/sec, especially not concern about angering the NRA.

I’m sorry if the word “eviscerated” disturbs you. I’m quoting what trauma surgeons who’ve treated victims of such shootings, have said. Let’s not go into detail.

Instead, let’s examine the reasons my Republican state senator gave me for opposing the recently-passed bill (HB-1240) banning certain assault-style firearms. He said: (1) banning a particular firearm won’t make a “meaningful difference” until we address the “root cause” of violence; and (2) the law will be overturned in any case, because "it’s unconstitutional."

On the senator’s first point, perhaps you’ll remember that Republicans blocked research and funding into gun violence in 1996 and it stood for more than 2 decades. It was only in 2018 that the FY2020 federal budget included $25 million for the CDC and NIH to research gun-related deaths and injuries. Republicans blocked that, too. In 2021, gun violence in the U.S. was estimated to cost $280 billion annually. That should tell you the relative worth to Republicans of learning why our friends, and neighbors, and kids are being shot with such dreadful frequency.

While we’re waiting for our Republican leaders to do a “deep dive” into the root causes of gun violence, let’s take an educated guess at the primary cause of gun deaths — guns.

Yes, despite the banal claim by the NRA that, “Guns don’t kill people…,” in fact they do, or more accurately, people with guns kill people. The more people that have guns, and the more lethal the guns are, and the more permissive gun laws are, the more people are going to be killed by guns.

Studies have demonstrated that states with weak gun laws experience significantly more gun deaths. Children and teenagers are the most at risk, although according to a study by the Violence Policy Center, 25% of police killed in the line of duty were killed by an assault weapon. This is why the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) — the world’s largest professional association for police leaders — has been a strong supporter of the assault weapons ban since 1992.

My state senator’s claim that, “banning assault-style weapons won’t make a meaningful difference,” is baloney. He can’t know that unless he could transport to a parallel universe where the U.S. kept the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban in place (after its sunset clause expired in 2004), and never banned gun violence research.

On his Second Point, I fear my state senator might be right. The Supreme Court’s recent Bruen Decision, authored by Justice Clarence Thomas, was said to be based on an historical analysis of regulations in the 18th and 19th centuries. Thomas wrote  that judges should no longer consider whether the law serves public interests, like enhancing public safety (my emphasis), but only if it is consistent with the country’s “historical tradition of firearm regulation.”

As you ponder the Thomas Ruling ruling, please do a thought experiment and imagine what sort man-portable firearm might be available to individual Americans in say 2100, and then consider how the “right to bear arms” might be “infringed” at that time.


The M41A Pulse Rifle is an air cooled, fully automatic, short- to mid-range combat rifle. Made of light alloy plates, it fires 10x24mm Armor Piercing Caseless Rounds from a 100 round U-bend magazine in either semi automatic, four round burst, or fully automatic rates of fire. The magazines could only practically hold 99 rounds and were usually underloaded to 95% capacity to avoid jamming. The Pulse rifle has a small battery powered digital readout screen that displays number of rounds left in the magazine; the battery is located in the handgrip. With a retractable stock and an underslung 30 mm PN grenade launcher, this weapon can be used as a carbine and an assault rifle. 


Saturday, April 15, 2023

You're being played

 By Richard Reuther

 Tri-City Herald, April 10, 2023
“After weeks of increasing tension over family friendly drag shows in the Tri-Cities, the Emerald of Siam was vandalized on Easter morning, hours ahead of a planned all-ages event.”

I am clearly an introvert. I am uncomfortable in crowds and avoid being with strangers. But I am also something of an actor. A few paid gigs, but mostly unpaid community theatre work over the past 60 years. Some major parts. Cyrano de Bergerac, The Proprietor (Assassins), Man in Chair (Drowsy Chaperone), Cervantes (Man of La Mancha). Shaved my head to do Daddy Warbucks in Annie.

You could say I started acting when I was 11. A bunch of male friends and I volunteered to do a short play for the 6th-grade school talent show. Old style Meller Drammer. Snidely Whiplash, Young Maiden in Distress.

"Who's going to be the girl?”

"I'll do it!”

We rehearsed, we learned our lines, we performed. I wore the dress. Didn't try to imitate the voice or mannerisms of a female. I saw more possibilities to the plot and ad-libbed some of the lines.

Laughter, lots of laughter from the audience. APPROVAL OF MY PEERS. Wow!

How can you be an introvert AND an actor? You're standing in front of hundreds of people. Acting gives me an opportunity to be someone else for a couple of hours. It's not me up there; it's someone else.

In developing a character, actors look inward to bits and pieces of themselves and observe others so that they can accentuate or diminish behaviors to communicate with the audience. And we PERFORM for the audience. We make them laugh; we make them cry. Sometimes we give them something to think about. They applaud; we bow.

Whether it's a comedy, a farce, or a drama we are there to entertain. The same is true of drag. If you don't want to go to a tragedy, don't go. If you aren't entertained by drag, don't go. This is the same system that movies use: G, PG-13, PG, R, and X. If there is a drag story hour, you are going to hear age-appropriate stories. If it is advertised as "all ages," it will likely be held during the day, not at night in a bar somewhere.

This is where the "willing suspension of disbelief" comes in. You don't go to a movie thriller to yell out to the heroine that the bad guy is around the corner. You KNOW they can't hear you. You willingly suspend your disbelief for the duration of the movie. Same with theater. You don't jump onstage to prevent Caesar from being stabbed. You watch. You may jump in your seat; you may take a sudden breath when the boogieman jumps out unexpectedly (and likely will laugh a little because you were surprised).

The kids are doing the same thing during a drag story hour. They are suspending their disbelief. They aren't paying attention to the man in women's clothes. They are listening and reacting to the story that is being told, the voices of the different characters, the physical attitude of the reader's body. Nothing sexual is going on in this setting.

You are worried about "groomers" and "grooming"? Good. So am I. You're likely looking in all the wrong places. Statistically, "groomers" and "pedophiles" turn out to be relatives, or neighbors, or the church youth pastor, or the minister, or the after-school sports coach, or the scout troop master. "Grooming" is done in private, not on stage in front of dozens of people. "Grooming" is a process of gaining the trust of a child, and creating opportunities to be alone with the child. That's not what is going on here. Children will not become LGBTQ+ by seeing a drag show.

Your fears are unfounded. Your fears ARE, however, being played for political purposes. Right-wing Republicans are SCREAMING about drag shows, Critical Race Theory, vaccine and mask mandates, migrant “caravans,” abortion, and even birth control,  because they have no plan for governing. They don't want you to see that they have no plans to improve healthcare, reduce homelessness, raise America’s children out of poverty, or to stop America’s epidemic of mass shootings — at least 145 in just the first 4 months of this year.

Mass shootings play into the gun lobby’s hands; they hope to make you feel unsafe so everyone is armed, including teachers! They would allow anyone to conceal carry without a permit, and they promote concealed carry reciprocity from state to state. They rail against Emergency Risk Protection Orders, ”red flag" laws, that keep guns away from emotionally unstable people (Washington has such a law, Tennessee doesn’t).

Please, if you are concerned about our children (and we all should be), pay attention to the thing that is the leading cause of their death. Guns. Drag shows are not killing our kids. Guns are killing our kids.