Saturday, April 15, 2023

You're being played

 By Richard Reuther

 Tri-City Herald, April 10, 2023
“After weeks of increasing tension over family friendly drag shows in the Tri-Cities, the Emerald of Siam was vandalized on Easter morning, hours ahead of a planned all-ages event.”

I am clearly an introvert. I am uncomfortable in crowds and avoid being with strangers. But I am also something of an actor. A few paid gigs, but mostly unpaid community theatre work over the past 60 years. Some major parts. Cyrano de Bergerac, The Proprietor (Assassins), Man in Chair (Drowsy Chaperone), Cervantes (Man of La Mancha). Shaved my head to do Daddy Warbucks in Annie.

You could say I started acting when I was 11. A bunch of male friends and I volunteered to do a short play for the 6th-grade school talent show. Old style Meller Drammer. Snidely Whiplash, Young Maiden in Distress.

"Who's going to be the girl?”

"I'll do it!”

We rehearsed, we learned our lines, we performed. I wore the dress. Didn't try to imitate the voice or mannerisms of a female. I saw more possibilities to the plot and ad-libbed some of the lines.

Laughter, lots of laughter from the audience. APPROVAL OF MY PEERS. Wow!

How can you be an introvert AND an actor? You're standing in front of hundreds of people. Acting gives me an opportunity to be someone else for a couple of hours. It's not me up there; it's someone else.

In developing a character, actors look inward to bits and pieces of themselves and observe others so that they can accentuate or diminish behaviors to communicate with the audience. And we PERFORM for the audience. We make them laugh; we make them cry. Sometimes we give them something to think about. They applaud; we bow.

Whether it's a comedy, a farce, or a drama we are there to entertain. The same is true of drag. If you don't want to go to a tragedy, don't go. If you aren't entertained by drag, don't go. This is the same system that movies use: G, PG-13, PG, R, and X. If there is a drag story hour, you are going to hear age-appropriate stories. If it is advertised as "all ages," it will likely be held during the day, not at night in a bar somewhere.

This is where the "willing suspension of disbelief" comes in. You don't go to a movie thriller to yell out to the heroine that the bad guy is around the corner. You KNOW they can't hear you. You willingly suspend your disbelief for the duration of the movie. Same with theater. You don't jump onstage to prevent Caesar from being stabbed. You watch. You may jump in your seat; you may take a sudden breath when the boogieman jumps out unexpectedly (and likely will laugh a little because you were surprised).

The kids are doing the same thing during a drag story hour. They are suspending their disbelief. They aren't paying attention to the man in women's clothes. They are listening and reacting to the story that is being told, the voices of the different characters, the physical attitude of the reader's body. Nothing sexual is going on in this setting.

You are worried about "groomers" and "grooming"? Good. So am I. You're likely looking in all the wrong places. Statistically, "groomers" and "pedophiles" turn out to be relatives, or neighbors, or the church youth pastor, or the minister, or the after-school sports coach, or the scout troop master. "Grooming" is done in private, not on stage in front of dozens of people. "Grooming" is a process of gaining the trust of a child, and creating opportunities to be alone with the child. That's not what is going on here. Children will not become LGBTQ+ by seeing a drag show.

Your fears are unfounded. Your fears ARE, however, being played for political purposes. Right-wing Republicans are SCREAMING about drag shows, Critical Race Theory, vaccine and mask mandates, migrant “caravans,” abortion, and even birth control,  because they have no plan for governing. They don't want you to see that they have no plans to improve healthcare, reduce homelessness, raise America’s children out of poverty, or to stop America’s epidemic of mass shootings — at least 145 in just the first 4 months of this year.

Mass shootings play into the gun lobby’s hands; they hope to make you feel unsafe so everyone is armed, including teachers! They would allow anyone to conceal carry without a permit, and they promote concealed carry reciprocity from state to state. They rail against Emergency Risk Protection Orders, ”red flag" laws, that keep guns away from emotionally unstable people (Washington has such a law, Tennessee doesn’t).

Please, if you are concerned about our children (and we all should be), pay attention to the thing that is the leading cause of their death. Guns. Drag shows are not killing our kids. Guns are killing our kids.

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